Private data

What is private data?



What is a private data collection?


  1. The actual private data, sent peer-to-peer via gossip protocol to only the organization(s) authorized to see it. This data is stored in a private state database on the peers of authorized organizations (sometimes called a “side” database, or “SideDB”), which can be accessed from chaincode on these authorized peers. The ordering service is not involved here and does not see the private data. Note that because gossip distributes the private data peer-to-peer across authorized organizations, it is required to set up anchor peers on the channel, and configure CORE_PEER_GOSSIP_EXTERNALENDPOINT on each peer, in order to bootstrap cross-organization communication.

  2. A hash of that data, which is endorsed, ordered, and written to the ledgers of every peer on the channel. The hash serves as evidence of the transaction and is used for state validation and can be used for audit purposes.




When to use a collection within a channel vs. a separate channel

  • Use channels when entire transactions (and ledgers) must be kept confidential within a set of organizations that are members of the channel.

  • Use collections when transactions (and ledgers) must be shared among a set of organizations, but when only a subset of those organizations should have access to some (or all) of the data within a transaction. Additionally, since private data is disseminated peer-to-peer rather than via blocks, use private data collections when transaction data must be kept confidential from ordering service nodes.

A use case to explain collections


  • A Farmer selling his goods abroad

  • A Distributor moving goods abroad

  • A Shipper moving goods between parties

  • A Wholesaler purchasing goods from distributors

  • A Retailer purchasing goods from shippers and wholesalers





  1. PDC1: Distributor, Farmer and Shipper

  2. PDC2: Distributor and Wholesaler

  3. PDC3: Wholesaler, Retailer and Shipper




Transaction flow with private data



  1. The client application submits a proposal request to invoke a chaincode function (reading or writing private data) to endorsing peers which are part of authorized organizations of the collection. The private data, or data used to generate private data in chaincode, is sent in a transient field of the proposal.

  2. The endorsing peers simulate the transaction and store the private data in a transient data store (a temporary storage local to the peer). They distribute the private data, based on the collection policy, to authorized peers via gossip.

  3. The endorsing peer sends the proposal response back to the client. The proposal response includes the endorsed read/write set, which includes public data, as well as a hash of any private data keys and values. No private data is sent back to the client. For more information on how endorsement works with private data, click here.

  4. The client application submits the transaction (which includes the proposal response with the private data hashes) to the ordering service. The transactions with the private data hashes get included in blocks as normal. The block with the private data hashes is distributed to all the peers. In this way, all peers on the channel can validate transactions with the hashes of the private data in a consistent way, without knowing the actual private data.

  5. At block commit time, authorized peers use the collection policy to determine if they are authorized to have access to the private data. If they do, they will first check their local transient data store to determine if they have already received the private data at chaincode endorsement time. If not, they will attempt to pull the private data from another authorized peer. Then they will validate the private data against the hashes in the public block and commit the transaction and the block. Upon validation/commit, the private data is moved to their copy of the private state database and private writeset storage. The private data is then deleted from the transient data store.

Purging private data

对于非常敏感的数据,即使共享私有数据的各方也可能希望 — 或政府法规要求 — 定期“清除”其peer的数据,留下区块链上的数据哈希作为私有数据的不可变证据。



How a private data collection is defined
