Chaincode for Operators

What is Chaincode?




Chaincode lifecycle

Fabric 链码生命周期是一个允许多个组织在链码在通道上使用之前,就如何操作达成一致意见的程序。本教程将讨论链码操作员如何使用Fabric生命周期来执行以下任务:

注意:在v2.0 Alpha版本中,新的Fabric链码生命周期还没有完成。具体来说,要注意Alpha发行版中的以下限制:

  • Service Discovery is not yet supported

  • Chaincodes defined with the new lifecycle are not yet discoverable via service discovery


Install and define a chaincode


  1. Package the chaincode: This step can be completed by one organization or by each organization.

  2. Install the chaincode on your peers: Every organization that will use the chaincode to endorse a transaction or query the ledger needs to complete this step.

  3. Approve a chaincode definition for your organization: Every organization that will use the chaincode needs to complete this step. The chaincode definition needs to be approved by a sufficient number of organizations to satisfy the channel’s LifecycleEndorsment policy (a majority, by default) before the chaincode can be started on the channel.

  4. Commit the chaincode definition to the channel: The commit transaction needs to be submitted by one organization once the required number of organizations on the channel have approved. The submitter first collects endorsements from enough peers of the organizations that have approved, and then submits the transaction to commit the chaincode definition.

本教程提供了Fabric链码生命周期操作的详细概述,而不是具体的命令。要了解关于如何使用节点的CLI来使用Fabric生命周期的更多信息,请参见在构建您的第一个网络教程或节点的生命周期命令引用中安装和定义链码。要了解关于如何使用Fabric SDK for Node.js使用Fabric生命周期的更多信息,请访问如何安装和启动链码。

Step One: Packaging the smart contract

Chaincode needs to be packaged in a tar file before it can be installed on your peers. You can package a chaincode using the Fabric peer binaries, the Node Fabric SDK, or a third party tool such as GNU tar. When you create a chaincode package, you need to provide a chaincode package label to create a succinct and human readable description of the package.

如果使用第三方工具来打包链码,则生成的文件需要采用以下格式。Fabric节点二进制文件和Fabric SDKs将自动创建这种格式的文件。

  • The chaincode needs to be packaged in a tar file, ending with a .tar.gz file extension.

  • The tar file needs to contain two files (no directory): a metadata file “Chaincode-Package-Metadata.json” and another tar containing the chaincode files.

  • “Chaincode-Package-Metadata.json” contains JSON that specifies the chaincode language, code path, and package label. You can see an example of a metadata file below:


Step Two: Install the chaincode on your peers



Step Three: Approve a chaincode definition for your organization


  • Name: The name that applications will use when invoking the chaincode.

  • Version: A version number or value associated with a given chaincodes package. If you upgrade the chaincode binaries, you need to change your chaincode version as well.

  • Sequence: The number of times the chaincode has been defined. This value is an integer, and is used to keep track of chaincode upgrades. For example, when you first install and approve a chaincode definition, the sequence number will be 1. When you next upgrade the chaincode, the sequence number will be incremented to 2.

  • Endorsement Policy: Which organizations need to execute and validate the transaction output. The endorsement policy can be expressed as a string passed to the CLI or the SDK, or it can reference a policy in the channel config. By default, the endorsement policy is set to Channel/Application/Endorsement, which defaults to require that a majority of organizations in the channel endorse a transaction.

  • Collection Configuration: The path to a private data collection definition file associated with your chaincode. For more information about private data collections, see the Private Data architecture reference.

  • Initialization: All chaincode need to contain an Init function that is used to initialize the chaincode. By default, this function is never executed. However, you can use the chaincode definition to request that the Init function be callable. If execution of Init is requested, fabric will ensure that Init is invoked before any other function and is only invoked once.

  • ESCC/VSCC Plugins: The name of a custom endorsement or validation plugin to be used by this chaincode.



Step Four: Commit the chaincode definition to the channel





Upgrade a chaincode


  1. Repackage the chaincode: You only need to complete this step if you are upgrading the chaincode binaries.

  2. Install the new chaincode package on your peers: Once again, you only need to complete this step if you are upgrading the chaincode binaries. Installing the new chaincode package will generate a package ID, which you will need to pass to the new chaincode definition. You also need to change the chaincode version.

  3. Approve a new chaincode definition: If you are upgrading the chaincode binaries, you need to update the chaincode version and the package ID in the chaincode definition. You can also update your chaincode endorsement policy without having to repackage your chaincode binaries. Channel members simply need to approve a definition with the new policy. The new definition needs to increment the sequence variable in the definition by one.

  4. Commit the definition to the channel: When a sufficient number of channel members have approved the new chaincode definition, one organization can commit the new definition to upgrade the chaincode definition to the channel. There is no separate upgrade command as part of the lifecycle process.

  5. Upgrade the chaincode container: If you updated the chaincode definition without upgrading the chaincode package, you do not need to upgrade the chaincode container. If you did upgrade the chaincode binaries, a new invoke will upgrade the chaincode container. If you requested the execution of the Init function in the chaincode definition, you need to upgrade the chaincode container by invoking the Init function again after the new definition is successfully committed.


Migrate to the new Fabric lifecycle

您可以通过创建一个新通道并将通道功能设置为V2_0来使用Fabric链码生命周期。您将无法使用前一个生命周期在启用V2_0功能的通道上安装、实例化或更新链码。没有对v2.0 Alpha版本的升级支持,也没有从Alpha版本到未来版本v2.x的升级支持。