
The token CLI allows you to use the Fabtoken client to issue, list, transfer, and redeem tokens.


The token command has the following subcommands:

  • issue

  • list

  • transfer

  • redeem

  • saveConfig

token issue

usage: token issue [<flags>]

Import token command

  --help                   Show context-sensitive help (also try --help-long and
  --configFile=CONFIGFILE  Specifies the config file to load the configuration
  --peerTLSCA=PEERTLSCA    Sets the TLS CA certificate file path that verifies
                           the TLS peer's certificate
  --tlsCert=TLSCERT        (Optional) Sets the client TLS certificate file path
                           that is used when the peer enforces client
  --tlsKey=TLSKEY          (Optional) Sets the client TLS key file path that is
                           used when the peer enforces client authentication
  --userKey=USERKEY        Sets the user's key file path that is used to sign
                           messages sent to the peer
  --userCert=USERCERT      Sets the user's certificate file path that is used to
                           authenticate the messages sent to the peer
  --MSP=MSP                Sets the MSP ID of the user, which represents the
                           CA(s) that issued its user certificate
  --channel=CHANNEL        Overrides channel configuration
  --mspPath=MSPPATH        Overrides msp path configuration
  --mspId=MSPID            Overrides msp id configuration
  --config=CONFIG          Sets the client configuration path
  --type=TYPE              Sets the token type to issue
  --quantity=QUANTITY      Sets the quantity of tokens to issue
  --recipient=RECIPIENT    Sets the recipient of tokens to issue

token list

usage: token list [<flags>]

List tokens command

  --help                   Show context-sensitive help (also try --help-long and
  --configFile=CONFIGFILE  Specifies the config file to load the configuration
  --peerTLSCA=PEERTLSCA    Sets the TLS CA certificate file path that verifies
                           the TLS peer's certificate
  --tlsCert=TLSCERT        (Optional) Sets the client TLS certificate file path
                           that is used when the peer enforces client
  --tlsKey=TLSKEY          (Optional) Sets the client TLS key file path that is
                           used when the peer enforces client authentication
  --userKey=USERKEY        Sets the user's key file path that is used to sign
                           messages sent to the peer
  --userCert=USERCERT      Sets the user's certificate file path that is used to
                           authenticate the messages sent to the peer
  --MSP=MSP                Sets the MSP ID of the user, which represents the
                           CA(s) that issued its user certificate
  --channel=CHANNEL        Overrides channel configuration
  --mspPath=MSPPATH        Overrides msp path configuration
  --mspId=MSPID            Overrides msp id configuration
  --config=CONFIG          Sets the client configuration path

token transfer

usage: token transfer [<flags>]

Transfer tokens command

  --help                   Show context-sensitive help (also try --help-long and
  --configFile=CONFIGFILE  Specifies the config file to load the configuration
  --peerTLSCA=PEERTLSCA    Sets the TLS CA certificate file path that verifies
                           the TLS peer's certificate
  --tlsCert=TLSCERT        (Optional) Sets the client TLS certificate file path
                           that is used when the peer enforces client
  --tlsKey=TLSKEY          (Optional) Sets the client TLS key file path that is
                           used when the peer enforces client authentication
  --userKey=USERKEY        Sets the user's key file path that is used to sign
                           messages sent to the peer
  --userCert=USERCERT      Sets the user's certificate file path that is used to
                           authenticate the messages sent to the peer
  --MSP=MSP                Sets the MSP ID of the user, which represents the
                           CA(s) that issued its user certificate
  --channel=CHANNEL        Overrides channel configuration
  --mspPath=MSPPATH        Overrides msp path configuration
  --mspId=MSPID            Overrides msp id configuration
  --config=CONFIG          Sets the client configuration path
  --tokenIDs=TOKENIDS      Sets the token IDs to transfer
  --shares=SHARES          Sets the shares of the recipients

token redeem

usage: token redeem [<flags>]

Redeem tokens command

  --help                   Show context-sensitive help (also try --help-long and
  --configFile=CONFIGFILE  Specifies the config file to load the configuration
  --peerTLSCA=PEERTLSCA    Sets the TLS CA certificate file path that verifies
                           the TLS peer's certificate
  --tlsCert=TLSCERT        (Optional) Sets the client TLS certificate file path
                           that is used when the peer enforces client
  --tlsKey=TLSKEY          (Optional) Sets the client TLS key file path that is
                           used when the peer enforces client authentication
  --userKey=USERKEY        Sets the user's key file path that is used to sign
                           messages sent to the peer
  --userCert=USERCERT      Sets the user's certificate file path that is used to
                           authenticate the messages sent to the peer
  --MSP=MSP                Sets the MSP ID of the user, which represents the
                           CA(s) that issued its user certificate
  --channel=CHANNEL        Overrides channel configuration
  --mspPath=MSPPATH        Overrides msp path configuration
  --mspId=MSPID            Overrides msp id configuration
  --config=CONFIG          Sets the client configuration path
  --tokenIDs=TOKENIDS      Sets the token IDs to redeem
  --quantity=QUANTITY      Sets the quantity of tokens to redeem

token saveConfig

usage: token saveConfig

Save the config passed by flags into the file specified by --configFile

  --help                   Show context-sensitive help (also try --help-long and
  --configFile=CONFIGFILE  Specifies the config file to load the configuration
  --peerTLSCA=PEERTLSCA    Sets the TLS CA certificate file path that verifies
                           the TLS peer's certificate
  --tlsCert=TLSCERT        (Optional) Sets the client TLS certificate file path
                           that is used when the peer enforces client
  --tlsKey=TLSKEY          (Optional) Sets the client TLS key file path that is
                           used when the peer enforces client authentication
  --userKey=USERKEY        Sets the user's key file path that is used to sign
                           messages sent to the peer
  --userCert=USERCERT      Sets the user's certificate file path that is used to
                           authenticate the messages sent to the peer
  --MSP=MSP                Sets the MSP ID of the user, which represents the
                           CA(s) that issued its user certificate

Example Usage

token issue example

You can use the following command to issue 100 Fabcoins belonging to The tokens are issued by

  • Use the --config flag to provide the path to a file that contains the connection information for your fabric network, including your Prover peer. You can find a sample configuration file below. Use the --mspPath flag to provide the path to the MSP of the token issuer.

    export CONFIG_FILE=/opt/gopath/src/
    export MSP_PATH=/opt/gopath/src/
    token issue --config $CONFIG_FILE --mspPath $MSP_PATH --channel mychannel --type Fabcoins --quantity 100 --recipient Org1MSP:/opt/gopath/src/
    2019-03-28 18:19:29.438 UTC [token.client] BroadcastReceive -> INFO 001 calling OrdererClient.broadcastReceive
    Orderer Status [SUCCESS]
    Committed [true]

token list example

You can use the token list command to discover the tokenIDs of the tokens that you own.

  • Use the --mspPath flag to provide the path to the MSP of the token owner.

    export CONFIG_FILE=/opt/gopath/src/
    export MSP_PATH=/opt/gopath/src/
    token list --config $CONFIG_FILE --mspPath $MSP_PATH --channel mychannel

    If successful, the command will return the tokenID, which is the ID of the transaction that created the token, as well as the type and quantity of assets represented by the token.


token transfer example

You can transfer the tokens that you own to another member of the channel using the token transfer command.

  • Use the --tokenIDs flag to select the tokens that you want to transfer. Use the --shares flag to provide a path to a JSON file that describes how the input token will be distributed to the recipients of the transaction. You can find a sample shares file below.

    export CONFIG_FILE=/opt/gopath/src/
    export MSP_PATH=/opt/gopath/src/
    export SHARES=/opt/gopath/src/
    token transfer --config $CONFIG_FILE --mspPath $MSP_PATH --channel mychannel --tokenIDs '[{"tx_id":"23604056d205c656fa757f568a6a4f0105567ebc208303065aa7e5a11849c0c8"}]' --shares $SHARES
    2019-03-28 18:27:43.468 UTC [token.client] BroadcastReceive -> INFO 001 calling OrdererClient.broadcastReceive
    Orderer Status [SUCCESS]
    Committed [true]

token redeem example

Redeemed tokens can no longer be transferred to other channel members. Tokens can only be redeemed by their owner. You can use the following command to redeem 50 Fabcoins:

export CONFIG_FILE=/opt/gopath/src/
export MSP_PATH=/opt/gopath/src/
token redeem --config $CONFIG_FILE --mspPath $MSP_PATH --channel mychannel --tokenIDs '[{"tx_id":"30e6337fdc0d07a5c46f51d6b58c4958992e21fed0aed5c822b30f9f28366698"}]' --quantity 50
2019-03-28 18:29:29.656 UTC [token.client] BroadcastReceive -> INFO 001 calling OrdererClient.broadcastReceive
Orderer Status [SUCCESS]
Committed [true]

Configuration file example

The configuration file provides the token CLI the endpoint information of your network. The file include the Prover Peer that your organization will use to assemble token transactions.

**Sample configuration file** ``` { "ChannelID":"", "MSPInfo":{ "MSPConfigPath":"", "MSPID":"Org1MSP", "MSPType":"bccsp" }, "Orderer":{ "Address":"", "ConnectionTimeout":0, "TLSEnabled":true, "TLSRootCertFile":"/opt/gopath/src/", "ServerNameOverride":"" }, "CommitterPeer":{ "Address":"", "ConnectionTimeout":0, "TLSEnabled":true, "TLSRootCertFile":"/opt/gopath/src/", "ServerNameOverride":"" }, "ProverPeer":{ "Address":"", "ConnectionTimeout":0, "TLSEnabled":true, "TLSRootCertFile":"/opt/gopath/src/", "ServerNameOverride":"" } } ```

Shares file example

The shares file is used by the transfer transaction to allocate the assets represented by the input token between the recipients of the transfer. Any quantity of the input token that is not transferred to a recipient is automatically provided to the original owner in a new token.

**Sample shares file** ``` [ { "recipient":"Org2MSP:/opt/gopath/src/", "quantity":"50" } ] ```

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.